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Value & Benefits of Membership

* Constitutional Objectives

In providing a pro-active approach in support of Business & Tourism, the Chamber will advocate and promote the interests of commerce & tourism within the Break O’ Day municipality. The Chamber will share information on commercial matters of interest to members, and act as an advocate for members when necessary and as agreed upon by members. Assets and income of the Chamber shall be used solely to further the objectives of the Chamber and will not be distributed to members except as compensation for services rendered as agreed upon by Chamber members.


* Tourism Focus

In focusing on Tourism, will directly support regional business, and that’s what we need. In highlighting our regional natural attractions, we support all business operations, benefiting industry representatives and government authorities in accessing Brand Tasmania.


* Social Networking

Bi-monthly meetings Socialise in a relaxed environment with Business & Tourism operators! Discuss and share experiences. Access to industry updates. Brochure & Display Stationary Table. Get to know your Chamber members. Connect with industry representatives at meetings with Business Tasmania, Politicians, Government officials, Business Enterprise Centre, Tourism, and other business operators!


* Chamber Representation & Support

When difficulties arise, seek counsel & support throughout membership. Group representation & value in numbers, with credibility of issues or prerogatives. Establishes what we stand for as a community of Business & Tourism operators.


* Business Ethics

Chamber stands for the basic expectations of Occupational Work Health & Safety (OWHS), and Anti-Discrimination employment principles. Chamber is a group of Business and Tourism professionals representing best practice standards and excellence in all industry.


* Seminars

Chamber provides educational opportunities & access to training. Value in knowledge, Ideas, Innovations. In support of all business & tourism operators.


* Brochure & Stationary

Table Displaying Industry Updates, previous minutes, agendas, & reports. Printed material available for those of us having difficulties with digital media. Bring your brochures or flyers to share and display at Chamber meetings.


* Corporate Projects

Chamber map distribution and member advertising. Communication channels – verbal, phone, text, emails Submissions of Chamber – Representing regional Business & Tourism Operators.


* Community Data & Statistics

Providing information, demographics of population. Supporting corporate business, associations, real estate professionals, in developing portfolios & presentations.


* Social Research

Conducting, investigating, writing community household surveys, in providing a hand-on approach, to accessing community feedback, ideals, and concerns, in relation to Business and Tourism operations in the region. Providing credibility in Chamber submissions.


* Social Structure

Promoting the works of the Chamber as an Essential Social Structure in support of a vibrant and dynamic community, in development & provisions. Raising community ideals through the operations of Business & Tourism agendas and providing access to regional and state representatives within industry hierarches.


* Sponsorships

Supporting community recognition and achievement regionally. Educational awards for merit. Chamber corporate letters of support in community.


* Sustainability

Highlighting diversity, innovation, unique experiences, in industry and development.


* Environmental Values

Maintaining a pristine natural wilderness and ecosystem in supporting Brand Tasmania.




Presidents Message


In combining all these different elements and avenues in business, tourism, industry, government, and community together, we have a diverse perspective in which to represent. The different types of business that the Chamber represents, provides a portfolio of sustainable credibility.


The Chamber represents a broad representation of community perspectives, from Business & Tourism operators from the Break O’Day region. When all these departments and varied roles come together, to decide in agreement, or combined perspective, as one voice, we have a representation that needs to be addressed, or related to, and actioned upon! This is where Chamber has value, in expressing first-hand experience, as we are the boots on the ground, so to speak.


The Chamber is an avenue to provide these concepts in unison to industry representatives and government officials, on behalf of Business and Tourism operators within the Break O’ Day municipality and region.


Then it is up to our elected representatives in government, to now address these concerns or developments, and the wheel goes round!


Chamber of Commerce corporate representations, demonstrate concepts of critical support to the economy, as a whole, within a provision of essential, social structures required within a community, in order to function, such as, access, services, provisions, attractions, events, which cater to a diverse community of Business & Tourism operations.


The Chamber of Commerce is an important social structure to a functional, proactive, and sustainable community.


Thank you for your support in representing the Break O’ Day Chamber of Commerce & Tourism.





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