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St Helens and Districts Chamber of Commerce Inc

Constitution and Rules


1.  Name

This Organisation will be called St Helens and Districts Chamber of Commerce Inc trading as Break O’ Day Chamber of Commerce & Tourism.


2.  Objectives

The Chamber will advocate and promote the interests of commerce and tourism in the Break O’ Day municipality.    The Chamber will share information on commercial matters of interest to members.  The Chamber will act as an advocate for members when necessary and as agreed by members.  The assets and income of the Chamber shall be used solely to further the objectives of t he Chamber and will not be distributed to members except as compensation for services rendered as agreed by Chamber members.


3.  Politics

The Chamber does not support any political organisations and does not have bias toward any political persuasion.  The Chamber, as agreed by members, may lobby politicians, government, local authorities, corporations or promoters on behalf of members when legislation affecting tourism, commercial or industrial interests is proposed.


4.  Membership

Any person, firm or company that holds a valid Australian Business Number and is operating, or has business interests, in the East Coast region of Tasmania is eligible to apply for membership of the Chamber.  Proposed members must be nominated by a current Chamber member and approved by the executive.  Upon receipt of full membership fees, their membership is valid.  Proposed life members of the association will be approved by the executive members and will be presented at the Annual General Meeting.


5.  Serving on Committees

No more than two representatives from any business may serve on the same committee within the Chamber.  If a member is unable to attend any General or Committee meetings, the member may nominate another representative of their business to attend as their deputy and hold full voting rights.  If a deputy is nominated to attend a meeting, a vote must be taken to accept or reject the nomination.


6.  Annual Subscriptions

The annual membership will be set at the Annual General Meeting of the Chamber.  Membership is due by the first of July annually.  Members who have not renewed their membership by the 31st August will not be entitled to vote.  New Members joining the Chamber for the first time after 31st December are only required to pay half the membership fee set for that year.


7.  Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and one to three other ordinary members (maximum of three).  All Executive Members will be elected at the Annual General Meeting and will step down from their positions annually, but may nominate to be re-elected.  The Executive Committee shall act in emergencies and may make decisions if circumstances change and as required.  Executive decisions will be reported at the next meeting of the Chamber.  A quorum of four Executive Members is required for an Executive Meeting.


8.  Auditor

An Auditor shall be appointed at the annual general meeting each year if required.


9.  Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting will be held before the 30th September annually for the purpose of receiving the annual report, financial statement of the Chamber and election of the Executive Committee Members.  Notice of the Annual General Meeting will be announced to all members at least 30 days prior to the scheduled date.  At the Annual General Meeting the outgoing Committee will appoint a Chairperson for the meeting.  The Chairperson will announce that all Executive Committee positions have been vacated.


10.  Election of Officers

Nominations for an Executive Committee position for the forthcoming year will be presented to the Chairperson appointed at the Annual General Meeting.  The nomination must include the position being  nominated for, the name of the nominator and a seconder as well as the signed consent of the nominee.  Where more than one nomination for a position is received, an election must take place.  If only one nomination is received, the person nominated will be declared elected.  Where insufficient nominations are received to fill all Executive Committee positions, nominations for the remaining  positions can be received from those present at the annual general meeting and proceed to election for the remaining positions only.  To vote the chair will call for a show of hands based on the nominations for the positions.


11.  Sub Committees

The Executive Committee may appoint a sub committee from members of the Chamber to deal with any business referred to them.


12.  Chairperson and Quorum

The President, or in his/her absence the Vice President, shall be ex-officio chairperson of all meetings.  In the absence of both the President and Vice President, the Executive Committee will nominate a chairperson.  Seven members are required for a quorum, two of which must be Executive Members.  Four Executive Members are required to form a quorum at an Executive meeting.


13.  General Meetings

General meetings of the Chamber will be held at least once in every quarter.  The President alone or a minimum three members of the Executive Committee can call for a special general meeting.  If a special general meeting is called, the agenda must be forwarded to all members and notice of the meeting time and location a minimum of 3 days prior.  At any general meeting a quorum will be seven members, two of which must be Executive Members.  An independent chairperson may be appointed form time to time by Executive but as an independent chairperson any voting rights are suspended while in the chair.


14.  Voting

All questions either in the general meeting or an executive committee meeting, except as otherwise stated in these rules, will be decided by the majority of votes.  If voting is equal the motion will be declared lost.  No member is entitled to a proxy vote except otherwise stated in these rules.


15.  Disqualification of Executive Committee Members

Bankruptcy or non-attendance for four consecutive meetings ( unless by leave of absence) of any committee member will disqualify him/her from their position on the Executive Committee.


16.  Expelling of Members

The Chamber reserves the right to expel any member after the reason for the expulsion has been discussed at a special general meeting and no less than three quarters of voters in attendance voting in favour of the expulsion.  The expelled member may appeal against the expulsion by advising the Executive in writing that they request a special general meeting be convened for the special purpose of hearing an appeal against the expulsion within fourteen days of the notice of expulsion being received.


17.  Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee may appoint another member to fill the position for the remained of the term.


18.  Donations / Assistance

The Chamber may at its discretion choose to provide assistance financial or otherwise to a worthy applicant.  All applications for assistance must be agreed at a general meeting with no less than two thirds of voters present in favour of the motion.


19.  Notices

A Notice may be provided to any member of the Chamber by post, electronically or in person.  It is the responsibility of  members to ensure that the correct addresses are supplied.


20.  Alterations of Rules

These rules can be changed by calling a special meeting.  Copies of the proposed alterations must be circulated among members at least seven days before the meeting.  A motion for the alterations of any rule will be approved with no less than two thirds of voting members present in favour.


21.  Voluntary Winding Up

In the event of the organisation being dissolved, the amount that remains after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to another organisation with similar purposes which is not carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members.  If the Chamber is voluntarily wound up the members of the Chamber are not liable to contribute to the payment of debts or liabilities of the Chamber or the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up.


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